
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The very funny Inappropriate yoga guy

A few months back I was introduced to this video called "Inappropriate Yoga Guy". I saw the first video (Tato Salad) and fell to the floor laughing. Ogden is this crazy yogi who hits on these attractive ladies in his yoga class. Ogden in real life is Avi Rothman, who is a very talented comic, writer, actor, producer and an accomplished yoga practitioner. Avi just recently released his sequel on called "Yoga Bitch". This is even funnier and he so comically blends yoga poses into these short movies. Avi in real life practices Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga. His myspace profile says he likes berries and tea, hence his infatuation of "goji berries", which I think are imaginary berries from Nepal. Avi was kind enough to communicate with me via email and has told me he plans to release a third sequel to the inappropriate yoga guy series. I can't wait to see it. I have asked Avi for clarification on goji berries. If they exist I want some!!!

Check out Youtube for these videos and other short films that he is in -- they are all VERY FUNNY. Kudos to Avi (Ogden) for taking yoga to another level where it brings us some good laughter.

Sequel 2: (Yoga Bitch)

Sequel 1: (Tato Salad)

Namaste: (Live Sketch)

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