
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Final level 2 with Julie Burris

The spring semester at Sunset Yoga ends this weekend. Last night I decided to fill up my makeups with a level 2 class with Julie Burris. It is her last level 2 class, as she moves on to getting her degree in physical therapy. Julie's classes are always fun. She has a distinct laughter and she has such humility in her teaching.

The class was intense and sweaty. She focused a fair amount of time on the arms and shoulders in various Adho Mukha Svanasana variations. A lot of emphasis on rolling the upper arms out and creating space to push the arm pits towards the knees. We did the intense combo of Warrior poses and then Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon pose).

I have never been able to do this pose well. Yesterday was the first time I could hold my balance for more than just a few seconds. I have noticed that with time the balance comes to you, as you continue to refine your postures to help you balance. The trick here was to line the outer little toe to the block you plan to hold in that pose. Even the Bharvajasana went quite well for me this time.

Julie has a good sense of refinement and she is very approachable - so its easy to ask her questions during the class and she response with explanations. She is so respectful of her teachers and her act of humility is very infectious. I will miss her level 2 classes. They are always fun!


The Yogi

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